What do you do when you go and visit your family... 
Go get your hair cut and make it a mother daughter day.
See my hair really needed some help. 
And my beautiful mom and sister, we have so much fun together and the older 
I get I am more aware of how special these times are together. We can laugh, cry and laugh some more. 
I got the privilege of having Kelly Growe Elarth cut my hair at Studio 104 Salon 
It was a much overdue affair and the mood was enhanced by some tasty wine and goldfish (yes we were hungry and they were the only things around). We're not fancy people and we combine fancy wine with golden snacks. 
So what would a newly styled haircut deserve... an After pic. But I was a little distracted by the wine or the oncoming meal and girl time. But I forgot, so you will have to forgive me for now and trust me that it looks much better.